
Portrait of the author Murasaki Shikibu by the artist Tosa Mitsuoki

   The poets of the Hyakunin Isshu were Emperors and nobles, princes and princesses, concubines and consorts, monks and abbots. Many were notable poets of their time, including poets of the Rokkasen (6 immortals of poetry) and the Sanjūrokkasen (36 immortals of poetry). Some poets compiled other famous poetry anthologies such as the Kokin Wakashū, and the Gosen Wakashū. Some poets made other important contributions to Japanese literature, such as Murasaki Shikibu, who also wrote "The Tale of Genji", widely considered to be the world's first ever novel, or Sei Shōnagon, who authored "The Pillow Book".

    For a full list of the poets in the order they appear in the anthology, check out the Wikipedia page on the Hyakunin Isshu. 

    I've listed all the poets in order by their names as listed on the poems. Often, this name will include their official title, or a pen name. The list is in alphabetical order according to the English alphabet, and the numbers listed refer to the number of their poem in the Hyakunin Isshu. By clicking their names, you can jump to my post about their poem which includes more background on the author. Below this list, you can read more about the "immortals of poetry", as well as the women whose poems are included in the anthology. 

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[7] 阿部仲麿 (Abe no Nakamaro)
[59] 赤染衛門 (Akazome Emon), Lady Akazome Emon
[17] 在原業平朝臣 (Ariwara no Narihira Ason)

[44] 中納言朝忠(Chūnagon Asatada), other name: Fujiwara no Asatada
[27] 中納言兼(Chūnagon Kanesuke), other name: Fujiwara no Kanesuke
[6] 中納言家持Chūnagon Yakamochi), other name: Ōtomo no Yakamochi
[16] 中納言行平Chūnagon Yukihira), other name: Ariwara no Yukihira)

[55] 大納言公任(Dainagon Kintō), other name: Fujiwara no Kintō
[71] 大納言経信(Dainagon Tsunenobu), other name: Minamoto no Tsunenobu
[58] 大弐三位(Daini no Sanmi), other name: Fujiwara no Katako
[82] 道因法師(Dōin Hōshi), other name: Fujiwara no Atsuyori

[47] 恵慶法師 (Egyō Hōshi), The Monk Egyō

[84] 藤原清輔朝臣(Fujiwara no Kiyosuke Ason)
[52] 藤原道信朝臣(Fujiwara no Michinobu Ason)
[75] 藤原基俊(Fujiwara no Mototoshi)
[34] 藤原興風(Fujiwara no Okikaze)
[51] 藤原実方朝臣(Fujiwara no Sanekata Ason)
[18] 藤原敏行朝臣(Fujiwara no Toshiyuki Ason)
[50] 藤原義孝 (Fujiwara no Yoshitaka)
[37] 文屋朝康 (Fun'ya no Asayasu)
[22] 文屋 康秀  (Fun'ya no Yasuhide)

[54] 儀同三司母(Gidō Sanshi no Haha), The Mother of Fujiwara no Korechika,
           other names: Takashina no Takako, Takashina no Kishi, Lady Kishi, Kō no Naishi
[43] 権中納言敦忠(Go Chūnagon Atsutada), other name: Fujiwara no Atsutada
[73] 権中納言匡房(Go Chūnagon Masafusa), other name: Ōe no Masafusa
[64] 権中納言定頼(Go Chūnagon Sadayori), other name: Fujiwara no Sadayori
[97] 権中納言定家(Go Chūnagon Teika), other name: Fujiwara no Teika
[91] 後京極摂政前太政大臣(Go Kyōgoku no Sesshō Saki no Daijōdaijin),
           other name: Kujō Yoshitsune, Fujiwara no Yoshitsune
[81] 後徳大寺左大臣(Go Tokudaiji no Sadaijin), other name: Fujiwara no Sanesada
[99] 後鳥羽院(Go-Toba In), Emperor Go-Toba, other name: Later Emperor Toba

[32] 春道列樹(Harumichi no Tsuraki)
[76] 法性寺入道先関白太政大臣Hōshōji no Nyūdō Saki no Kanpaku Dajōdaijin)
            other name: Fujiwara no Tadamichi

[90] 殷富門院大輔(Inpumonin no Taifu)
[19] 伊勢(Ise), Lady Ise
[61] 伊勢大輔(Ise no Taifu)
[56] 和泉式部(Izumi Shikibu)

[87] 寂蓮法師(Jakuren Hōshi), The Monk Jakuren
[2] 持統天皇(Jitō Tennō), Empress Jitō
[98] 従二位家隆(Ju'nii  Ietaka), other name: Fujiwara no Ietaka
[100] 順徳院(Juntoku In), Emperor Juntoku

[3] 柿本人麿(Kakinomoto no Hitomaro), also written 人麻呂 or 人丸 (Hitomaru)
[93] 鎌倉右大臣(Kamakura no Udaijin), other name: Minamoto no Sanetomo
[24] 菅家(Kanke), other name: Sugawara no Michizane
[14] 河原左大臣(Kawarano Sadaijin), other name: Minamoto Tōru
[45] 謙徳公(Kentoku Kō), other name: Fujiwara no Koremasa
[33] 紀友則(Ki no Tomonori)
[35] 紀貫之(Ki no Tsurayuki)
[8] 喜撰法師(Kisen Hōshi), The Monk Hōshi
[60] 小式部内侍(Koshikibu no Naishi), Lady Koshikibu
[88] 皇嘉門院別当(Kōkamonin no Bettō), Attendant to Empress Kōka
[15] 光孝天皇(Kōkō Tennō), Emperor Kōkō
[83] 皇太后宮大夫俊成(Kōtaigōgū no Daibu Shunzei), 
           other names: Fujiwara no Shunzei, Fujiwara no Toshinari
[36] 清原深養父(Kyohara no Fukayabu)
[42] 清原元輔Kyohara no Motosuke)

[41] 壬生忠見(Mibu no Tadami)
[30] 壬生忠岑(Mibu no Tadamine)
[78] 源兼昌(Minamoto no Kanemasa)
[28] 源宗于朝臣 Minamoto no Muneyuki Ason)
[48] 源重(Minamoto no Shigeyuki)
[74] 頼朝臣(Minamoto no Toshiyori Ason)
[20] 親王Motoyoshi Shinnō)
[57] 紫式部(Murasaki Shikibu)

[92] 二条院讃岐(Nijōin no Sanuki), Lady Sanuki
[69] 能因法師(Nōin Hōshi), The Monk Nōin
[96] 入道前太政大臣(Nyūdōsaki no Daijō Daijin), other name: Fujiwara no Kintsune

[9] 小野小町(Ono no Komachi)
[29] 凡河内躬恒(Ōkōchi no Mitsune)
[23] 大江千里(Ōe no Chisato)
[49] 大中臣能宣朝臣(Ōnakatomi no Yoshinobu Ason)

[70] 良暹法師(Ryōzen Hōshi), The Monk Ryōzen

[65] 相模(Sagami)
[86] 西行法師(Saigyō Hōshi), The Monk Saigyō
[31] 坂上是則(Sakanoue no Korenori) 
[66] 前大僧正行尊 (Sakino Daisōjō Gyōson), Abbot Gyōson
[95] 前大僧正慈円(Sakino Daisōjō Jien), Abbot Jien
[79] 左京大夫顕輔(Sakyō no Daibu Akisuke), other name: Fujiwara no Akisuke
[63] 左京大夫道雅(Sakyō no Daibu Michimasa), other name: Fujiwara no Michimasa
[11] 参議篁(Sangi Takamura), other name: Ono no Takamura
[39] 参議等(Sangi Hitoshi), other name: Minamoto no Hitoshi
[94] 参議雅経(Sangi Masatsune), other name: Fujiwara no Masatsune
[68] 三条院(Sanjō In), Emperor Sanjō
[25] 三条右大臣(Sanjō Nōdaijin), other name: Fujiwara no Sadakata
[5] 猿丸大夫(Sarumaru Daifu), other name: Dayū

[62] 清少納言(Sei Shōnagon)
[10] 蝉丸(Semimaru)
[89] 式子内親王(Shokushi Naishinnō), Princess Shokushi
[85] 俊恵法師(Shune Hōshi), The Monk Shune
[46] 曽禰好忠(Sone no Yoshitada)
[21] 素性法師(Sosei Hōshi), The Monk Sosei
[12] 僧正遍照(Sōjō Henjō), other name: Yoshimine no Munesada
[67] 周防内侍(Suō no Naishi), Lady Suōother name: Taira no Chūshi
[77] 崇徳院(Sutoku In), Emperor Sutoku

[80] 待賢門院堀河(Taikenmonin no Horikawa), Lady Horikawa
[40] 平兼盛(Taira no Kanemori)
[26] 貞信公(Teishin Kō), other name: Fujiwara no Tadahira
[1] 天智天皇(Tenji Tennō), Emperor Tennō

[53] 右大将道綱母(Udaishō Michitsuna no Haha), The Mother of Fujiwara no Michitsuna
[38] 右近(Ukon), Lady Ukon

[4] 山辺赤人
Yamabe no Akahito)
陽成院Yōzei In), Emperor Yōzei
祐子内親王家紀伊Yūshi Naishinnō-ke no Kii), Lady Kii of Princess Yūshi's Household, 
           other names: Lady Kii, Ichinomiya no Kii 

Rokkasen (6 poetic immortals)

    The Rokkasen, or 6 poetic immortals, were a list of 6 master poets named by Ki no Tsurayuki in the preface to the Kokin wakashū,  an imperial poetry anthology that he helped to compile around 905~914 for Emperor Uda. The rokkasen named and included in the Kokin wakashū are:

Except for Ōtomo no Kuronushi, the rest of these poets each have a poem in the Hyakunin Isshu.

36 poetic immortals

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